Leonardo Lizcano's photo

Hello! I'm Leonardo Available for work

I'm a software engineer. I have experience in backend web development and I'm also interested in frontend. I'm also interested in artificial intelligence.


  1. Backend Developer - Eyeland Epics IEEE

    Responsible for the backend development in a project part of the EPICS initiative in IEEE, which aims to support the English learning process for people with visual disabilities through a mobile application, in its goal of increasing inclusion.

    I was in charge of designing and serving the system based on Sockets to orchestrate communication and synchronization between devices and profiles, as well as the Web Api

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  2. Web programming mentor - MisionTIC 2022

    Web programming mentor during the third cycle of the MisionTIC 2022 program, led by the Ministry of ICT of Colombia and the Universidad del Norte.

    I supported and solved doubts for students about the development of web applications with Flask, Html and Sq-Lite



Hello! I'm Leonardo. My interest in programming sparked during high school when I developed an inventory system in VBA, and recently, I completed my undergraduate studies in Systems Engineering at Universidad del Norte.

Throughout my education, I participated in events like Expofísica with a realistic physics simulator. I also excelled in programming marathons at the institution and had the opportunity to engage in university-supported initiatives.

On a personal level, I am fascinated by automation and artificial intelligence. I've worked on projects to control parts of my house with a virtual assistant. Additionally, I enjoy developing mods and exploring new hobbies like wood carving.

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